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Awesome, Interactive School Assembly Shows Created Especially for Elementary School Kids

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STOP endlessly searching "school assemblies"

Choose an assembly for school that's Always engaging.
Never boring!

Parents just want to make the right choice - we GET that.   
A unique educational value in an engaging format.

Untitled design (1)
home and school mom

   Trusted and Recommended by

  • Hundreds of Principals

  • Thousands of Parents and Teachers


Interactive assemblies that include science (STEM education), anti-bullying, patriotic music, character building, standardized tests

and even multicultural holidays. 

Discover our programs by clicking on any CATEGORY below.  

Untitled design (2) has been an industry leader for more than 20 years.

 We KNOW what makes a great performance. 

* Engaging performers who provide your students with an unbeatable learning experience. 

* Every school assembly is delivered with fun, energy, humor and tons of participation.   

* Students have so much fun at our school assemblies, they forget they're learning!

*Teachers LOVE assemblies which reinforce classroom lessons in a fun, interactive way


Shows anchor

Browse an Assembly for Schools

It's never too early to introduce kids to the world of STEM.  Your kids LOVE ROBOTS and they'll love this show too!


dancing robot


The Secret World of Robots

bullying assembly sign

Need to fulfill a bullying requirement?

Our popular antibullying assembly for schools features music, virtual characters, game shows and participation all wrapped up into a fun but important school assembly program.

Hip Hop Assembly

Lack of interpersonal skills are the epicenter for problems in today's schools.  
Through this engaging hip hop show,  dance icon and student favorite,

DJ Reggie stresses to your kids the importance of the "five pillars of good character."  

inventor flying through time


With the help of our real-life time machine, your kids will embark on a mesmerizing journey that brings them face to face with some of history's greatest inventors!  It's a lively blend of interactive games, laughter, and hands-on excitement, that inspires a passion for history and innovation! 

Patriotic Music School Assemblies


Patriotism is more than a song and this rousing musical assembly  proves that.   It's rare to find an inspirational, interactive program which instills those once cherished values back into America's classrooms.  This "revolutionary" program does just that!  Using humor, music and participation SOA is a sing-along favorite!

Standardized Testing

standardized test assembly

Yes, you read right!  Popular dance instructor and personality, Reggie Williams offers your kids strategies for standardized testing through his unique hip hop dance program. This show will be the highlight of your school year!

Meet The Team

David Jack School Assembly Performer
David Jack


Reggie Williams SchoolAssemblies
Reggie Williams

Performer, Dance Captain

picture of school assembly performer
Pete Phillips

Performer, Acting Captain

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